Sharing FireFox Multiple User Profiles On Dropbox

DropBox FireFox

I love that FireFox allows you to have multiple user accounts using the user profile manager. If I need to login to one of my social profiles like Twitter as several different users at once I start up multiple instances of FireFox each using different profiles. However I find myself sometimes needing to login to these different profiles on different computers so the solution is to share their profiles through DropBox.

If you haven’t setup a shortcut for launching FireFox User Profiles see: Shortcut to Quick Launch FireFox User Profiles

Begin by closing all instances of FireFox.

Step 1 (Copy FireFox Folder to DropBox)

FireFox data and profiles are located in windows at: C:\Users\Master\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\FireFox

Start by copying this directory to your DropBox. In this example we will assume your DropBox is at C:\DropBox

When done copying the folder should be in DropBox like so: C:\DropBox\FireFox

Step 2 (Rename original FireFox folder)

Rename your FireFox directory at C:\Users\Master\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\FireFox to C:\Users\Master\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\FireFoxBackup

Step 3 (Create Junction Link to DropBox location of FireFox)

1. If you aren’t already login to Windows 7 or 8 as an administrator
2. Goto \Windows\System32 and locate cmd.exe, right click on it and select “Run as administrator”
3. Change Directory to your FireFox location:
a. cd C:\Users\Master\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla
4. Make a junction for FireFox to the copied location on DropBox
a. Mklink /J FireFox C:\DropBox\Firefox


Run FireFox as normal and make sure it works. Is it slow? Of course what did you expect.

Deploy across other computers

Now repeat Step 3 on all the other computers you want to share the same FF profiles with. You will need to install FireFox on those computers if you haven’t done so already.

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