How High Can I get This Blog Post on Google Search?


This is just a quick experiment to see where it will turn up on Google’s search results for ” How High Can I get This Blog Post on Google Search?”. It is not intended to be any kind of SEO trick or gimmick. There are no links going to it other than from this blog and I am not really trying to do any keyword stuffing either just writing a few paragraphs of whatever comes to mind.

If you have a unique title I think you can get to the top of the SERPS pretty easily. Not in all cases as on some long tail titles the engines will cherry pick a few keywords instead of using an exact match. Anyway after I post this I will add one link to the search query for the title and we can watch and see where it is and I will follow up with info in the comments section. Here goes….

3 Responses to How High Can I get This Blog Post on Google Search?

  1. Charles Hays says:

    As of a few moments after posting this blog I am not listed anywhere in the first 10 pages of Google. We will check back in a day or two. I am now going to also add this link here back to Google’s search query for the title term: How High Can I get This Blog Post on Google Search?

  2. Charles Hays says:

    As of 5/19/2014 If you click on the link for the keyword this page comes up in the 4th position. Interesting because none of the other results match this phrase exactly, you would think that this would be number one because of exact match.

  3. Charles Hays says:

    However if I do put the exact quote in quotes such as “How High Can I get This Blog Post on Google Search?” it does show up as number one. As well as 4 other random posts from my blog and nobody else. Very interesting.

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