This PHP program is intended as a heavy duty automated tool for converting CSV (comma separated value) to a MySQL import file or querying it directly into a MySQL database. It can be used simply with a single static method call or with more flexibility and power by creating it as an object.

Download this CVS to MySQL from github.

It is not so trivial as one may first think to convert data from one format to another. To truly take advantage of MySQL querying of data in useful ways the data must be properly assigned a data type, such as INT, FLOAT, VARCHAR, TEXT, TIME and so on. The method implemented in this script to do this is REGEX. The regex pattern matching is leveraged to pigeon hole the data into the most appropriate type for MySQL to use. Every data entry must be scanned to detect if it is a certain type of data, a data type that maybe only integer numbers would of course become an INT type, but if even one of ten thousand entries has a decimal in it, then the entire set must become a float, double or numeric.

An INT simply converted to a VARCHAR is not very useful when trying to query data that should be an integer. The default regex rules file is “regex_mysql_data.txt” and has comment lines in it that start with the # character. You may want to go about modifying this file to fit your needs or to improve upon the matching capabilities.

Besides regex pattern matching, the data string length is also considered. This is done first to determine if that data should even be considered being compared to the regex pattern type. This is most useful for text based data to determine if it should be of types VARCHAR, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, LONGTEXT
Here is a simple static example to create a CSV to MySQL import.


All the static methods assume there is a header as the first row of the CSV file. This static method will try to detect a primary key, if it cannot determine a suitable primary key it will assign an INT at the beginning named ‘id’.

If you do not want to rely upon the auto detection of a primary key use this example:

CSVtoMySQL::ToHTMLMyKey ('test.csv', ‘MyID’);

Where “MyID” (optional) will become the name of the new primary key and no auto detection will be attempted.


ToString – These static methods will display no output but only return the results as a string.

$string = CSVtoMySQL::ToString( $in_file [,$delim = ‘,’] )
$string = CSVtoMySQL::ToStringMyKey( $in_file [,$my_key = ‘id’ [,$delim = ‘,’]] )

ToFile – These methods will send the information to a file supplied as $out_file.
Null = CSVtoMySQL::ToFile( $in_file, $out_file, [$delim = ‘,’] )
Null = CSVtoMySQL::ToFileMyKey( $in_file, $out_file [,$my_key = ‘id’, [$delim = ‘,’]] )

ToScreen – These methods will print the mysql import information directly to the screen.

Null = CSVtoMySQL::ToScreen( $in_file [,$delim = ‘,’] )
Null = CSVtoMySQL::ToScreenMyKey( $in_file [,$my_key = ‘id’ [,$delim = ‘,’]] )

ToHTML – Like ToScreen methods but they will also add the HTML line break tag where the new line is.

Null = CSVtoMySQL::ToHTML( $in_file [,$delim = ‘,’] )
Null = CSVtoMySQL::ToHTMLMyKey( $in_file [,$my_key = ‘id’ [,$delim = ‘,’]] )

ToMySQL – These methods will use your mysql connection to send the mysql query directly to the database. You must have already connected to the mysql server and database before calling either of these methods.

Null = CSVtoMySQL::ToMySQL( $in_file [,$delim = ‘,’] )
Null = CSVtoMySQL::ToMySQLMyKey( $in_file [,$my_key = ‘id’ [,$delim = ‘,’]] )


Creating a class object is more powerful then the static methods as there a lot of helper methods for fine tuning and debugging.

To create as an object:

$c2m = new CSVtoMySQL('test.csv');

//Then you can do something like:

Here is another example where you export the CSV file and import directly to the mysql database.



$sql = mysql_connect('', 'user', 'password');

$c2m = new CSVtoMySQL('test.csv');
If($c2m->detect_primary_key() == false)


The constructor:
__construct($csv, [$mysql = “mysql.sql” [,$hashead = true]])

This method loads the regex file and can be load a custom regex file.
Null = load_regex($regex_file = ”)

Reserved words are words that conflict with mysql syntax statements, such as VARCAR, INSERT, UPDATE, DATASE to prevent conflicts a rule file named “reserved_mysql_words.txt” is loaded and used to compare against the CSV header names. Any matches are renamed to prevent conflicts. You can override this file with your own using this method.
Null =load_reserved_words($f = ”)

Method to set the CSV file
Null = set_csv_file($file)

Method to set the path and name of the mysql output file, but only needed if actually creating an out file.
Null = set_mysql_file($file)

By default the CSV delimiter (data separator character) is comma “,” but there is an auto detect pass that will try and match with other common delimiters (such as |,tabs, spaces). If you need to set this manually use this method.
Null = set_delimiter($v)

Use this method to set the mysql table name, by default the table name is the name of the CSV file itself minus the extension.
Null = set_table_name($s)

When reading in CSV file line by line, the max length of each line is set to 0, which in PHP 5.1+ is unlimited to end of line. However, if you need to set this to a specific length use this method.
Null = set_max_line_length($v)

This method allows you to insert a new field that does not exist in the CSV file. $v is the name of the field, and the optional secondary value is the type which is defaulted to VARCHAR(255)
Null = add_field($v [,$type = ‘VARCHAR(255)’])

This method allows you to change the field name based on $n which can be an index number or name and $name is the new name to be given.
Bool = change_field_name($n,$name])

Use this method to set the primary key index. If $v is a number then the key is the field index, if a name it is matched against the header field name.
Bool = primary_key($v)

Like above method but only applies to the field name, not the index
Bool = primary_key_col_by_name($s)

Like above but only applies to setting the primary key by index, where the first field index = 0, not 1!
Bool = primary_key_col_by_number($n)

Add your own custom primary key with this method. This should be an INT as it will also be set to auto increment. Set the starting point of the auto increment public variable $user_primary_key_inc [ = 0]
Null = add_primary_key ([$name = ‘id’ [,$type = ‘INT’ [,$start_at = -1]]])

This method is used to try and detect which field in the CSV file should be used as the primary key. It begins with the first column and tries to match any INT or VARCHAR type that is all unique and contains no empty records. As soon as it finds one it sets that as the primary key. Also see notes in the “regex_mysql_data.txt” file. If $n is supplied it can either be a number which matches the index of the CSV column (where first column is 0, not 1) or the name of the actual column. This method retruns true if it was able to match a primary key, and false if it failed.
Bool = detect_primary_key($n = ”)

A helper method to test the types of fields detected
Null = print_types()

Same as above but outputs as HTML
Null = print_html_types()

The method to call for returning the results as a string.
String = to_string()

Send the output to the screen. I use it for when I am working in telnet or ssh
Null = to_screen()

Send the output like the to_screen() method but includes html breaks at the new line locations.
Null = to_html()

This method writes the output to a file, if you hadn’t already set the output file name you can supply it.
Bool = to_file([$file = ”])

This method sends the parsed CSV file directly to the MySQL database, you must have a connection already established (see usage above for an example.)
Bool = to_mysql()

Adds a blank tag identifier to the blank_tags array. Sometimes data will be in a CSV file that should be treated as if it were blank, such as with ‘NA’, ‘-‘, or the like. You can add global tag blanks with this method that cause this type of data to be ignored or treated as if it were empty. You can set the column field name here which apply the blank tag to just a specific column otherwise if blank it is treated globally against all columns.
Null = add_blank_tag($v [,$col = ”])

This method is ran automatically by several functions, but if you need to call it yourself you can. This method will attempt to determine the data type a column is using the “regex_mysql_data.txt” file and its rules.
Null = detect_types()

Used to try and detect if the CVS file contains a header. This is very problematic and not 100% accurate. By default the public variable $detect_header = false and must be set to true for this method to work. Otherwise it assumed there is a header. The method returns true if it detected a header and false if it did not.
Bool = detect_header($s)


CSVtoMySQL_DetectType is a class that is created and stored in the $regex_match_file array that contains the information from the “regex_mysql_data.txt” file.

CSVtoMySQL_FieldType is a class that is created and stored in the $fields array and contains information regard each CSV column and it’s fields.

Text to Speech with PHP (TTS)


A really quick and easy Text to Speech class for PHP that will generate an MP3 file. You can also easily setup an Ajax call on a website to play the text to speech audio file as you generate it. The quality is pretty good compared to other solutions but I haven’t figured out how to adjust pitch and tone or mix background music with it (yet.)

This is not really a solid solution for robust TTS as it relies on Google’s TTS API service; for more advanced solutions with lots of controls and embedding into videos we use Microsoft’s TTS system. But for easy to deploy and on demand web services this solution is a synch.

This Text to Speech with PHP version can be found on my CodeSlinger GitHub page.

Projectname:   PHP Text 2 Speech Class 
Version:       1.0 
Author:        Radovan Janjic <> 
Last modified: 11 06 2013 
Copyright (C): 2012, All Rights Reserved 

* GNU General Public License (Version 2, June 1991) 
* This program is free software; you can redistribute 
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, 
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will
* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the 
* implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A 
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License 
* for more details. 


PHP Text 2 Speech Class 

This class converts text to speech using Google text to  
speech API to transform text to mp3 file which will be  
downloaded and later used as eg. embed file.  


$t2s = new PHP_Text2Speech; 

// Simple example 
<audio controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay"> 
  <source src="<?php echo $t2s->speak('If you hear this sount it means that you are using PHP text to speech class.'); ?>" type="audio/mp3" /> 

// Example use of other language 
<audio controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay"> 
  <source src="<?php echo $t2s->speak('Wie geht es Ihnen', 'de'); ?>" type="audio/mp3" /> 


class PHP_Text2Speech { 
    /** Max text characters
     * @var    Integer  
    var $maxStrLen = 100; 
    /** Text len
     * @var    Integer  
    var $textLen = 0; 
    /** No of words 
     * @var    Integer  
    var $wordCount = 0; 
    /** Language of text (ISO 639-1) 
     * @var    String  
     * @link 
    var $lang = 'en'; 
    /** Text to speak 
     * @var    String  
    var $text = NULL; 
    /** File name format 
     * @var    String  
    var $mp3File = "%s.mp3"; 
    /** Directory to store audio file
     * @var    String  
    var $audioDir = "audio/"; 

    /** Contents 
    * @var    String 
    var $contents = NULL; 
    /** Function make request to Google translate, download file and returns audio file path 
     * @param     String     $text        - Text to speak 
     * @param     String     $lang         - Language of text (ISO 639-1) 
     * @return     String     - mp3 file path 
     * @link
    function speak($text, $lang = NULL) { 
        if ($lang !== NULL) { 
            $this->lang = $lang; 

        // Create dir if not exists 
        if (!is_dir($this->audioDir)) { 
            mkdir($this->audioDir, 0755) or die('Could not create audio dir: ' . $this->audioDir); 
        // Try to set writing permissions for audio dir. 
        if (!is_writable($this->audioDir)) {  
            chmod($this->audioDir, 0755) or die('Could not set appropriate permissions for audio dir: ' . $this->audioDir); 
        // Can not handle more than 100 characters so split text 
        if (strlen($text) > $this->maxStrLen) {
            $this->text = $text;

            // Generate unique mp3 file name 
            $file = sprintf($this->mp3File, $this->audioDir . md5($this->text)); 
            if (!file_exists($file)) {
                $texts = array();
                $words = explode(' ', $this->text);
                $i = 0;
                $texts[$i] = NULL;
                foreach ($words as $w) {
                    $w = trim($w);
                    if (strlen($texts[$i] . ' ' . $w) < $this->maxStrLen) {
                        $texts[$i] = $texts[$i] . ' ' . $w;
                        if (preg_match('/[:;,.!?-]$/', $w)) { $i++; } // seperate at common breaks
                    } else {
                        $texts[++$i] = $w;

                // Get get separated files contents and marge them into one
                foreach ($texts as $txt) {
                    $pFile = $this->speak($txt, $this->lang); 
                    $this->contents .= $this->stripTags(file_get_contents($pFile)); 
                unset($words, $texts); 
                // Save file
                file_put_contents($file, $this->contents); 
                $this->contents = NULL;
        } else {
            // Generate unique mp3 file name 
            $file = sprintf($this->mp3File, $this->audioDir . md5($text)); 

            if (!file_exists($file)) { 
                // Text lenght 
                $this->textLen = strlen($text); 
                // Words count 
                $this->wordCount = str_word_count($text); 

                // Encode string 
                $text = urlencode($text);

                // Download new file
                $this->download("{$text}&tl={$this->lang}&total={$this->wordCount}&idx=0&textlen={$this->textLen}", $file);
        // Returns mp3 file path 
        return $file; 
    /** Function to find the beginning of the mp3 file 
     * @param     String     $contents        - File contents 
     * @return     Integer 
    function getStart($contents) { 
        for($i=0; $i < strlen($contents); $i++){ 
            if(ord(substr($contents, $i, 1)) == 255){ 
                return $i; 
    /** Function to find the end of the mp3 file 
     * @param     String     $contents        - File contents 
     * @return     Integer 
    function getEnd($contents) { 
        $c = substr($contents, (strlen($contents) - 128)); 
        if(strtoupper(substr($c, 0, 3)) == 'TAG'){ 
            return $c; 
            return FALSE; 

    /** Function to remove the ID3 tags from mp3 files 
     * @param     String     $contents        - File contents
     * @return     String
    function stripTags($contents) {
        // Remove start
        $start = $this->getStart($contents);
        if ($start === FALSE) { 
            return FALSE;
        } else { 
            return substr($contents, $start);
        // Remove end tag 
        if ($this->getEnd($contents) !== FALSE){ 
            return substr($contents, 0, (strlen($contents) - 129));

    /** Function to download and save file 
     * @param     String     $url        - URL 
     * @param     String     $path         - Local path 
    function download($url, $path) {  
        // Is curl installed? 
        if (!function_exists('curl_init')){ // use file get contents  
            $output = file_get_contents($url);
        }else{ // use curl  
            $ch = curl_init();  
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);  
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041001 Firefox/0.10.1");  
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);  
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);  
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
            $output = curl_exec($ch);  
        // Save file
        file_put_contents($path, $output);

Here is an example of using the TTS class in PHP.

include 'PHP_Text2Speech.class.php';

$t2s = new PHP_Text2Speech;

<audio controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay">
  <source src="<?php echo $t2s->speak('What are you looking at? Wipe that face off your head.'); ?>" type="audio/mp3" />

Automating Google Webmaster Tools Validation (PHP)

In order to claim a website with Google’s Webmaster Tools you have to verify you own it or at least have access to the file system. In order to do so Google gives you a file to upload to the domains www directory that is something like this: google9bf026a5h34deb40d.html

It use to be this file was completely empty returning nothing. However this probably lead to some hacking abuse where certain websites were not properly configured to give an empty page for 404 (page not found.) It doesn’t take a genius to figure out such a website could easily be registered as your own as the call to the validation file would return exact what Google was looking for.

The validation file is no longer empty and Google won’t accept empty files they now must contain the following:

google-site-verification: google9bf026a5h34deb40d.html

You can see the name of the file is now part of the content which helps eliminate validation hijacking

Suppose you got a lot of Google friends or accounts that you want to allow to have access to your site with their webmaster tools. Updating their individual validation files can be a chore so here is an easy way to automate the process.

This example is not exact you will need to adjust it to your own needs.

First add a line in your .htaccess file.

RewriteRule ^google ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).html$ googlevalidateme.php?v=$1 [NC,L]

Then have a PHP program called googlevalidateme.php

echo 'google-site-verification: google'.$_REQUEST[v].'.html';

So with this example any calles to googlexxxx.html will pass xxxx as a value to googlevalidateme.php which will return the correct validation code for Google.

Of course you might want to improve this with a call to a master list someplace so that unwanted others can’t validate and spy on you.

Auto Post to Posthaven via Email with Images (PHP)


If you were a fan of Posterous before it was bought out by Twitter, you will want to check out Posthaven. It is as of right now still in development but looks very promising, offering a more flexible and simpler blogging solution then with other sites.  This new blogging service isn’t free, but at $5 a month for 10 sub domain blogs it is extremely affordable.  If you want to lock in a wealth of prime real-estate on this upcoming service in the way of subdomain keywords, now is the time.

Like previous articles I have covered on automating blog posting, Posthaven works the same and is really easy. However there is a huge advantage using Posthaven over the other blog services and that is your automated posts can also get put right into Facebook page and Twitter account at the same time. That is cool! And it leverages your blogs big time.

Start by creating a Posthaven account, then login and create one or more site accounts.

To post to your account via email you need to then click on “Edit Your Account” and goto the section “Post by Email Settings”. Click on the checkbox next to ”Use a secret word to verify my emails” and enter a secret password in the field.

You also need to make sure that the email address you will be sending from is listed at the top where it says “Your Email Addresses”

For example lets say your secret is “mysecret” and your site account sub domain is “abc”. Then the email address you will send to post a new blog article would be

The subject of the email will be the articles title. The body will be the article itself and if you want to include an image then you send it with the email as an attachment. Lets see some code in PHP that will email post to your Posthaven blog. (We will use PHPMAILER found here.)



$posthaven_account = "YOUR SUBDOMAIN NAME"; //Example "abc" NOT ""
$posthaven_secret = "YOUR POSTHAVEN SECRET";

$gmail_your_name = "YOUR NAME";
$gmail_username = "YOUR GMAIL USERNAME";
$gmail_password = "YOUR GMAIL PASSWORD";
$gmail_email = "YOUR GMAIL EMAIL ADDRESS";
$image_location = 'C:/YOUR LOCATION OF IMAGE/IMAGE.JPG';
$email_title = "EMAIL TITLE";
$email_body = "EMAIL BODY"; // (LIMITED) HTML OK

$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
$mail->Host = "";
$mail->Port = 465;
$mail->Username = $gmail_username;
$mail->Password = $gmail_password;
$fromname = $gmail_your_name;

$posthaven_blog_email = 'post.'.$posthaven_secret.'@'.$posthaven_account.'';

$To = trim($posthaven_blog_email,"\r\n");

$mail->From = $gmail_email;
$mail->FromName = $fromname;
$mail->Subject = $email_title;
$mail->Body = $email_body;
$mail->set('X-Priority', '3'); //Priority 1 = High, 3 = Normal, 5 = low

If you then want to capture the URL of the newly posted posthaven blog you can use the following code:

$posthaven_url = 'http://'.$posthaven_account.'';
sleep(30); // give it enough time to receive and update the post (30 seconds)
$bf = file_get_contents(rtrim($posthaven_url,'/').'/posts.atom');
list($t,$b1) = explode("<updated>",$bf,2);
list($t,$b2) = explode('href="',$b1,2);
list($b3,$t) = explode('"',$b2,2);
$bb = trim(str_replace('"','',$b3));
$bb = trim(str_replace("'",'',$bb));
$bb = trim(str_replace(' ','',$bb));
echo '<li>LINK IS='.$bb; Post By Email with Images (PHP)


In an earlier blog I showed how one can use a simple PHP script to send blog posts to blogger via email. The same thing can also be done to other blogs such as When I say I mean the hosted site not the self hosted WordPress offered by (I will address self hosted WP sites in a future blog.)

Here are the steps to turn on Post By Email for blogs.

1. From the main account area: At the top of your login click “My Blogs” then under the blog listing “Blog Admin”, this will put you in the blogs dashboard
2. From the dashboard: On the left side menu, mouse over “Settings” on the sub menu select “Writing”. At the bottom of the Writing Settings page there is a section called “Post by Email” Click on the “My Blogs” link.
3. There should now be a list of all your blogs, in a table, one of the columns is called “Post by Email” and there is a button to push called “Enable” push it and it will generate a secret email that you can use to post blogs via emails to. Write this down we will use it in the code below.

When you send an email to this secret email address it will post the contents of the email to the blog and the subject of the email will become the title of the article. If you include an image as an attachment then the image will also be included in the blog and hosted on’s server.
However there is an issue at this time with such image attachments, the image is posted following the blog article contents, not at the top. In the forums the developers state they are looking into a fixing this issue but I don’t think it is a priority for them.

Another issue regards HTML content. Not all HTML tags and formatting will make as strips some out. Currently I have no list of what is and isn’t passed through but form and javascript tags are stripped.

I should also note that Post By Email for includes some extra custom tagging options. These options include:

• [category x,y,z]
• [excerpt]some excerpt[/excerpt]
• [tags x,y,z]
• [delay +1 hour]
• [comments on | off]
• [status publish | pending | draft | private]
• [password secret-password]
• [slug some-url-name]
• [title Your post title]
• [end] – everything after this shortcode is ignored (i.e. signatures). Make sure it’s on its own line with a blank line above it.
• [slideshow] – replaces the auto-gallery with a slideshow
• [nogallery] – disables the auto-gallery and displays all images inline
• [more] – more tag
• [nextpage] – pagination
• [geotag on | off] – override your geotagging privacy defaults to enable or disable the showing of geo information
• [publicize off|twitter|facebook] – change Publicize options
• [poll]question and answers[/poll] – insert a Polldaddy poll into your post

For details on how these tags operate you can read the documentation page on the site here:

Now for the PHP code. I recommend using the PHPMAILER class and using a gmail account for the sender, this seems to be the most stable way of performing the email posts.


$gmail_your_name = "YOUR NAME";
$gmail_username = "YOUR GMAIL USERNAME";
$gmail_password = "YOUR GMAIL PASSWORD";
$gmail_email = "YOUR GMAIL EMAIL ADDRESS";
$wordpress_email = "YOUR WORDPRESS SECRET EMAIL";
$wordpress_url = "YOUR WORDPRESS.COM BLOG URL";
$image_location = 'C:/YOUR LOCATION OF IMAGE/IMAGE.JPG';
$email_title = "EMAIL TITLE";
$email_body = "EMAIL BODY"; // (LIMITED) HTML OK

$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->;SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
$mail->Host = "";
$mail->Port = 465;
$mail->Username = $gmail_username;
$mail->Password = $gmail_password;
$fromname = $gmail_your_name;

$To = trim($wordpress_email,"\r\n");

$mail->From = $gmail_email;
$mail->FromName = $fromname;
$mail->Subject = $email_title;
$mail->Body = $email_body;
$mail->set('X-Priority', '3'); //Priority 1 = High, 3 = Normal, 5 = low

If you are wanting to capture the URL for the newly posted blog after it has been made you can use the following.

sleep(15); // give it enough time to receive and update the post (15 seconds)
$bf = file_get_contents(rtrim($d2s[html_code],'/').'/feed/');
list($t,$b1) = explode("<item>",$bf,2);
list($t,$b2) = explode('<link>',$b1,2);
list($b3,$t) = explode('<',$b2,2);
$bb = trim(str_replace('"','',$b3));
$bb = trim(str_replace("'",'',$bb));
$bb = trim(str_replace(' ','',$bb));
echo '<li>LINK IS='.$bb;

Stop Giving Your Affiliate Link Juice


It is no wonder that Amazon and other giant shopping sites that offer affiliate programs rank highest on search engines like Google. The associate that use the affiliate programs are helping drive those stores link popularity up by using the standard links which in turn hurts their own affiliate marketing strategies. There are easy ways you can implement linking to prevent sabotaging your own SEO.

The Problem

When you create a link that points to a product or the associated program for commission referrals, the search engines follow that link even if it is redirected by a 301 or other means. Even if you try and use Google’s “nofollow” rules the link is still observed as a pointer from your site to theirs. Even using a jump gate and robot.txt rules the search engines will still observe the outgoing link to the destination. When you have thousands of other associates using their own links to point to that same product then OF COURSE that drives the authority of the affiliate programs own page to the top of the search engine listings.

Then of course customers are not going to drill down several pages deep in search engine results to click on your link. That is if you get listed on the search engines at all with such tactics. It is counterintuitive to use such direct links for any type of reseller campaign.

The Solution

First you need to stop using the original manufacturer information supplied by the affiliate program for your affiliate link pages. When search engines see the exact same content on a thousand different pages then you will get very little traction if any. I will cover “content mutation” in a future article.

Addressing the problem with links and link juice pouring out of you page to the affiliate program you must eliminate the ability of the search engine to recognize and follow the actual link while not blocking your own web traffic from channeling through the link.

There are several different approaches that can be used, AJAX, Javascript, CSS Dom to name a few but the easiest is to simply use a POST form. Currently search engines such as Google do not try and press on form buttons and follow them, they are completely ignored, except in the case of simple action GET forms.

<form action="http://MY AFFILIATE LINK" method="POST">
<input type="submit" value="BUY NOW" />

This is not totally ideal as the link can still be picked up from the action tag, however not all affiliates will have the ability to add a jump gate, but it is better than nothing, it won’t be considered a hole in your page for link juice.

This is not totally ideal as the link can still be picked up from the action tag, however not all affiliates will have the ability to add a jump gate, but it is better than nothing, it won’t be considered a hole in your page for link juice.

A better solution is to use a simple jump gate that masks the URL, such as something like this.

<form action="jump.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo base64_encode(http://MY AFFILIATE LINK); ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="BUY NOW" />


header('Location: '.base64_decode($_REQUEST[id]));

Mail2Blogger with Images (PHP)


Blogger allows you to send posts via email, intended for on the go posting via mobile devices and such. To activate this feature you have to update your blog settings with a secret key.

1. Log into Blogger
2. Select “Settings for your Blog”
3. Select “Mobile and email”
4. Where it says “Posting using email” there is a box, in front of the box is your username, following the box is In the box put your secret key.
5. On the radio selection below that make sure “Publish email immediately” is selected.
6. Click Save Settings

Now all you have to do to send a post to your blog is send it to that email address that contains your secret key. The title of your email will be the title. Keep in mind that if your email automatically adds a signature to your email that it will probably also appear on your post.

You can include an image that appears at the top of the article by attaching an image in your email. Blogger saves this to its server and hosts it (10MB limit for images)
Using PHP we can now easily post new blog articles at any time or even automatically using the PHPMAILER class from Synchro at Github. It is best that you use a gmail account email that is associated with your blog to reduce any imperial entanglements. Also by using gmail account and this method you are not required to have a running mail server or do any other funky relaying (great for those doing projects in XAMPP.)


$gmail_your_name = "YOUR NAME";
$gmail_username = "YOUR GMAIL USERNAME";
$gmail_password = "YOUR GMAIL PASSWORD";
$gmail_email = "YOUR GMAIL EMAIL ADDRESS";
$blogger_secret_key = "YOUR BLOGGER SECRET KEY";
$blogger_url = "YOUR BLOGGER URL";
$image_location = 'C:/YOUR LOCATION OF IMAGE/IMAGE.JPG';
$email_title = "EMAIL TITLE";
$email_body = "EMAIL BODY"; // HTML OK

$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->;SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
$mail->Host = "";
$mail->Port = 465;
$mail->Username = $gmail_username;
$mail->Password = $gmail_password;
$fromname = $gmail_your_name;

$To = trim($gmail_username.'.'.$blogger_secret_key.'',"\r\n");

$mail->From = $gmail_email;
$mail->FromName = $fromname;
$mail->Subject = $email_title;
$mail->Body = $email_body;
$mail->set('X-Priority', '3'); //Priority 1 = High, 3 = Normal, 5 = low

If you are keeping a database of your posts for other projects such as twittering and other linking you can extract the new posts link with the following code. Just add it after the end of the above code.

sleep(15); // blogger enough time to receive and update the post (15 seconds)
$bf = file_get_contents($blogger_url);
list($t,$b1) = explode("'post-title entry-title'",$bf,2);
list($t,$b2) = explode('<a href=",$b1,2); list($b3,$t) = explode(">',$b2,2);
$bb = trim(str_replace('"','',$b3));
$bb = trim(str_replace("'",'',$bb));
$blog_post_url = trim(str_replace(' ','',$bb));<a href=""><img src="" alt="blogger_smash" width="300" height="300" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-102" /></a>
echo 'NEW POST AT='.$blog_post_url;

What is Spinning and a Spin Function (PHP)


Spinning Basics 101

Spinning generally refers to randomly generating articles, content and data based on option sets. Typically a template or as I call it a “boil plate” is created identify the set. I will address the use of spinning for generating articles and other sentence content but as you will easily derive the content does not need to be limited to just words and sentences, you can spin html, CSS, PHP code, data and more.
Say we have a sentence such as “I love my car.” How else could we say this?

I love my automobile.

I like my car.

I really like my vehicle.

These sentences roughly all portray the same meaning but each is distinctly different. When it comes to unique article generation this technique can be invaluable. All we have to do get all these variations and other combinations is generate a boiler plate for the sentence like so.

I {really |}{love|like} my {car|automobile|vehicle}.

So as you can see above all versions of the sets of words are contained in the curly brackets each version separated by the pipe character (the straight vertical line.) Pipe us used because it one has been a standard data delimiter and two because it also a shortcut for OR in programming logic. There is no so called standardization for spinning but it is widely used.

In our example we can see that when spun the set {love|like} means there is equally likely chance that either word will be chosen and used in this spot. For {really|} we see there is only one word, but there is still a pipe followed by a bracket, this indicates there is a chance that really or “nothing” will be selected. Also the last set contains car, automobile and vehicle all with an equal chance to be chosen.

But say we wanted the word ”love” to have a greater chance then like to be chosen? If each of the two words has a 50/50 chance we can increase the odds for the word like by going {like|love|love} now “love” has 2 in 3 chances or 66% probability of being chosen. Same thing can be applied if we want to reduce the odds of the word “really” we can go {really|||} now we have 3 blank spaces to the one choice for “really” giving the word only a 25% chance of being used.

Nested Spinning

With recursive functions such as the one at the end of this article, you can create boiler plates with nested spins, that is spins within spins.
For example:

Spinning is a {{great|wonderful|good} tool|hot {topic|subject}} for SEO.
When nesting it can start to become confusing to decipher the text but if you break it down like so it is easier to see.

	{great|wonderful|good} tool
	hot {topic|subject}}

If the first element of the top spin is chosen followed by the second element of the nested spin we get “Spinning is a wonderful tool for SEO.”
Spinning has no restrictions on the levels of nesting you want to add.

Spinning Function for PHP

This has been a very introductory article on the concepts of spinning, most spinning also incorporates deeper elements such as dynamic variables, synonym spinning, adjective and grammar injection and more.

If you are ready to get spinning using some simple PHP code here you go.

function spin($s)
	if(empty($m)) return $s;
	$t = $m[1];
		$t = substr($t, strrpos($t,'{') + 1);
	$parts = explode("|", $t);
	$s = preg_replace("+\{".preg_quote($t)."\}+is", $parts[array_rand($parts)], $s, 1);
	return spin($s);

Of course you can create similar functions in almost any language including C++,C#, Perl, Python and so on.

Kicking the Hash Bucket (PHP)


If you have ever studied or taken a class that discusses searching and sorting algorithms and their efficiencies you will be familiar with sequential search, binary search and others. However was bucket search ever mentioned? As a PHP programmer you might be using bucket search not even realizing it. Bucket search is absolutely the fastest most efficient and less complex method available. When using a language PHP that supports hash variables it gets even better and more beneficial.

A normal array uses only integers for the keys.


A hash array allows you to use strings as the keys.


In traditional methods when you want to search an array for an element to be retrieved you must iterate through the array until you find key and retrieve the value.  However bucket searches allow you to instantly retrieve the information based on the key value with no iteration, as the key is a pointer to the location in memory where the value is stored. That is the power of bucket search and I welcome any comments of another method that proves otherwise.

Here is some code with bucket search in action.

$fruit_color = array('apple' => 'red',
				'orange' => 'orange',
				'banana' => 'yellow');

echo 'An apple is '.$fruit_color[apple].'.';


There are however limitations and problems that can arise depending on the type of strings you utilize as the keys in your array, such as the use of special characters, binary characters, utf-8 characters, string is too long, white space, unknown upper and lower case conditions, and others.

Using base64_encode and a few other methods to normalize your key almost all of these issues can be resolved.

$quotes[myKey("This is Sparta!!!\n")] = 'The Movie 300';

function myKey($k)
	return base64_encode(strtolower(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", '', $k)));