Archives for January 2016

XAMPP Blocked by W3PS on Windows 10

When trying to run XAMPP (a local web an PHP service) on my newly upgraded windows 10 machine I was tetting getting the following message:

(OS 10013) An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. : make_sock: cound not bind to address [::]:80
(OS 10013) An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. : make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
unable to open logs


The problem is the installed IIS coponent World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3PS), which allows the computer accept HTTP requests and host pages like XAMPP does. Running this service blocks other programs from having access to port 80. To fix this problem you just need to disable the service. Here is the procedure.

In the windows 10 search box type in "Service" and click on "View Local Services".


Find and right click on "World Wide Web Publishing Service" and select "Properties".


Click on "Stop" and wait for it to stop the service.

On the startup type pulldown select "Manual" and click "Apply" then click on "Ok".

After the W3PS service is disabled you should now be able to start XAMPP normally. Happy XAMPPing 🙂

My Blogging New Years Resolution for 2016

My Blogging New Years Resolution 2016

There isn’t a week that goes by, sometimes several times a day, that I am not working on a project or brainstorming that I don’t say to myself “Hey that would make a great blog article, I should writ it.” Of course as this blog site clearly shows I have neglected to take action on those statements. Usually I am more eager to dive right into whatever the idea is work on it and before long something else comes along and that idea is pushed aside.

So I am writing the article as a proclimation to myself to do better this year and dedicate at leat 1 blog a week. Each blog I write should be no shorter then 2 paragraphs in length and I should either know the subject well or spend a half our or more researching the topic before writing about it. I know that most of the blogs will revolve about what current task or project I am muddling around in at the time, which is fine. That will actually allow me to look back and see what I have been working on and the relative time frames.

Ok 2016, lets do this!